Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Reason Behind "The Awkward Years"

I was walking through the bookstore the other day, and thought to myself, "There are a ton of books in here!" Now I know thats not a new revelation or some grand thinking but it is a profound statement when you began to unpack the implications. There are over 800 books being published every day and close to 300,000 books published every year. There is information being passed in seconds on the internet that anyone can access almost at anytime. For example, if you want to speak your mind and find someone to listen, just post it to Facebook or a blog like this one. It seems like we are having more and more information thrown at us, however it seems like we're in a decline of morality in America.

It's just interesting to me that everyone has an opinion, and everyone thinks that they can help everyone else. We live in a culture where self help is priority and we want as much information on the subject to do just that. Here is my thought: You can read all the books you want and seek out all the opinions you can find but they won't change your life as much as the Bible.

Now I am not accusing anyone but have actually just realized this myself--- That we have traded in God's Word for man's opinion all too often. Most often we turn to the Bible in times of need. However the Bible states that we should hide his Word in our hearts so that when trials and temptations come up we know how to face life not wait until we are in a bind.

Now life isn't easy. It almost feels like that now that we accepted Christ, life got harder. The reason, in my opinion it got harder, is because you are not living for yourself anymore you are actually following Jesus. I would like to call this the "awkward years"--- the struggle to really continue seeking Jesus even though it's not easy. Eventually though the "awkward years" will turn into the "wonder years" when we get to heaven but right not it's tough.

As I write on this blog that is my goal. Simply to document a journey of one Christian man going through the "Awkward Years". There will not be  a whole lot of rhyme or reason to this blog other than what God lays on my heart. Hopefully it will be more Biblical than not. My opinion is really pointless and probably would just contribute to the thousands upon other thousands of opinions out there. So hope you enjoy and that God can use this struggle to help you in yours.

For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for Him. We are in this struggle together. You have seen my struggle in the past, and you know that I am still in the midst of it. (Phil. 2:29-30)

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