Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Common Things between Dr. Oz and Christianity

I have found out in the past months that my wife likes to watch shows like Dr. Oz. Every once in a while I will watch an episode or two with her. For the most part he has good things to say. His show is really entertaining and informative. However I am sure when Dr. Oz created the show, he never meant for it just to be entertaining and informative. (I cannot put thoughts or words into the meaning behind his show but I am assuming here) I assume that he created the show to help people change their lives, to help their health. As I scan through the channels in a given day I see shows like: Biggest Loser, Oprah, Dr. Phil, etc. These shows, yes, albeit entertaining, were probably created to help people.

However, how many people watch these shows and agree with someone like Dr. Oz that there is a problem and they need to change, listen to his plan to help them get on the right track but never actually put that plan into place? It is so funny to me because I do it as well. In the past, I know that I needed to work out, so I used to put the workout DVD in the player and push play. I then, sat on the couch and watched the entire workout DVD without actually moving a muscle. It is a sad reality but for the most part we are either lazy or we just don't care enough to actually put forth the effort to change.

I find this true of Christianity as well. We so often go to church to hear a moving message, only to forget it the next day or by the time we hit the door to leave for lunch. A few years ago Casting Crowns had a song called, "Between the Altar and the Door". The leader of the group explains the song like this: “When we’re at the altar, everything makes sense,” Hall says. “We know what we’re supposed to do. We know how we’re supposed to live. Everything’s black and white. But somewhere between the altar and the door, when we leave and go out into our lives, it all leaks out, and everything gets gray again. The Christian life is the journey between the altar and door, trying to get the things you’ve got in your head, into your hands, feet, into your life." (

My question is this: When we are faced with the Word of God, why can we nod our head in agreement only to leave unchanged? As Christians we know how we are suppose to live but when we get in the "real world" it's a whole lot harder to put into practice? The reason I suppose, is just the struggle that we live in between two worlds; One that is earthly and one that is heavenly. I don't presume to have all the answers, I just know that maybe we should try to not be so lazy or apathetic with our faith. The Bible doesn't seem to say that God is okay with that kind of attitude. Paul several times in Philippians encourages us to actually keep putting into practice what we learned. (Phil. 4:9) I hope that as I finish writing this, that I will not walk away unchanged about putting what I learn about my faith into practice. I hope and pray that as you walk away from reading this that you would not walk away unchanged or challenged to put what you have learned about your faith into practice as well. May we not come face to face with God only to leave unchanged or not better off for being with Him.

 But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.  For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror.  You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it. (James 1:22-25)

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